
At The Coconut Club, we provide a luxurious escape into a forgotten world where everything may not be exactly as remembered, but stays true to the very essence of Tiki, paying homage to the glory of yesterday while sailing forward to a blazing, sun-drenched future of power and pleasure. We’re constantly dreaming up new ways to bring our patrons into this world, and hopefully, after an evening with us, their minds will expand and they will come to understand that the Revelation of Tiki is a living thing, a passion handed down through the ages that twists and turns and evolves into ever increasing new shapes, sights, sounds, tastes, and sensations.

The path to Tiki Paradise isn’t a single road–it’s a flowing river of molten magma, with a multitude of fiery tributaries all blazing their own distinctive and unique paths to exotic delights. Join us on this epic adventure and together we will rediscover and return Tiki to its rightful place.


The Coconut Club is proud to present cocktails with substantial, chef-driven garnishes.  From delicate wontons of five spice-braised duck breast, to coffee-rubbed sous vide steak to rum balls made with fine Jamaican rum and pure cocoa butter, these cocktail garnishes are anything but ordinary.
“I love the whimsical, escapist aesthetic of a good Tiki Bar, but I’m disappointed by generic feeling drinks and lackluster foods that many have to offer. The Coconut Club was born out of my desire for a Tiki Bar experience that matched my culinary ambitions. “

Andy Windak (A.K.A. Chef Wind Attack) is the creative force behind the food of The Coconut Club.  Having previously worked in the animation industry on show’s such as Cartoon Network’s Robot Chicken, Andy brings a whimsical aesthetic to his culinary creations.  You can hear him talk food as co-host of  The Table Set Podcast and also as frequent guest on comedian Doug Benson’s podcast Dining with Doug and Karen, where he’s cooked up everything from a ‘Jackalope Taco’ to deep-fried bagels!


We serve tropical libations that are balanced and complex.  Yes, you will drink rum… but also let us delight you with other potions containing unexpected spirits such as mezcal, gin, Campari and pisco.  Challenge your idea of what a Tiki drink can be.

Virgin drink pairings are available by advanced request, however all guests in attendance must be at least 21 years of age.

“I didn’t choose Tiki, Tiki chose me. The Coconut Club is an expression of reverence, and heartfelt exploration; a valentine in pineapple and spice.”

Nathan Hazard is an unabashed tiki nut, barfly, and cocktail concierge. He serves as brand ambassador for The Rum Society, and recently developed the bar program for Pedro Mandinga Rum Bar in Panama City, Panama. His cocktail recipes have been published in print anthologies including The Way We Ate (Simon & Schuster) and Savory Cocktails (Ulysses Press). Nathan feverishly collects tiki mugs, and bottles of rum.


Experience the sensual sounds of the mysterious gong, as it announces each decadent course of the fantastical meal.  The Coconut Club is more than just a meal: it’s an experience!  Guided by your charismatic host in the white suit, you will journey through a meal that you won’t soon forget.  Paired with video projections and carefully crafted playlists, it’s a fully immersive world.
“Vintage hula music, Blue Hawaii-era Elvis, Mai-Tai’s, fezzes, and Hawaiian shirts are a part of our history, but what about the forgotten allure of Thunder Island or the dreamy passions of Kokomo? What about the “Hard Ticket to Hawaii”?”

Darren Herczeg has produced, written, directed, and often starred in countless short films including the multiple award-winning, controversial The Boy Princes:  A Tragedy Most Monstrous, the epic Barbariana: Queen of the Savages, the bizarre Tennis. He has similarly created a string of underground interactive performance art shows including the “mystical” Pageant of the Grand Caval and the “steamy” Erotic Cotillion.   He co-hosted the Fox Movie Channel’s Life After Film School (2006-2007) where he interviewed many acclaimed filmmakers. His work as a cinematographer has been broadcast on Adult Swim (Kitten vs. Newborn) and Comedy Central Holland (De Meisjes van Thijs). Darren’s recent achievements include getting crucified on a giant star of david while wearing a nude suit and covered in cream pies.